Coby enjoying being back home & able to relax & sleep. I think the walk knocked him out for the night. He has not moved for hours! LOL
Monday, May 30, 2011
Coby's first walk of the summer
Coby enjoying being back home & able to relax & sleep. I think the walk knocked him out for the night. He has not moved for hours! LOL
Friday, May 27, 2011
Coby's first week home
Ready to take another trip, but not back to Boston!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
One Year Later.....
Coby had a CBC done yesterday. The results were better than I could have imagined. WBC 13.2 - normal; Neutrophils that were 3400 on Friday are NOW 10,164! They are normal. Platelets 196,000 - normal. Coby still has very mild anemia that is close to being resolved. Coby had his last dose of that liquid medication used to remove leflunomide from his body this afternoon. Now the only med he's on is Keppra three times daily! This is an anticonvulsant, but Dr. Sisson thinks it's possible we could eliminate this med in the future. He really doesn't think Coby needs it - he thinks the GME caused the seizures & that Coby probably has a 10-20% chance of having a seizure off the meds. We will wait & see.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Canine Swimmer
Coby had another CBC done this afternoon. We will find out the results tomorrow. I'm hoping for a neutrophil count of at least 5,000! Fingers & paws crossed!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Coby's first Saturday at home this month!!
Here is a brief summary of what happened from Thursday to today:
Thursday morning Coby had another CBC done. His neutrophils had increased to 1900 from Wednesday. He had a Neupogen injection both Wednesday & Thursday, but no more unless needed. I flew out to Boston & went to Angell Animal Medical Center to get Coby! I met with Dr. Sisson for some time to review Coby's medications & discharge instructions. Coby's meds included: Meropenem (injectable antibiotic), cholesttyramine (liquid used to remove all the leflunomide from his body) & Keppra (seizure medication) - all given 3 times a day. Dr. Sisson switched Coby's seizure medications - he really doesn't really thinks he needs an anticonvulsant because Coby has not once had a seizure since his intitial GME symptoms - the few he had were probably because of the GME/inflammation. I think we will taper the keprra down eventually & maybe d/c it all together. He thinks there is a 10-20% chance of him having a seizure without the meds, so he seems fairly confident Coby doesn't need that either! I was also given the vial of Neupogen just in case Coby needs another dose once we are back in Milwaukee. I was worried about taking all these meds & needles in the airport & thru security. Coby looked crazy with his legs & belly shaved, but he definitely looked much better than the day he was admitted. He was excited to see me & ready to get back home. After a 1 week stay at Angell, it cost $2000, plus an additional $600 for the airfare = $2600. (That does not include the weeks worth of hospital stays in Wisconsin the week prior). Below is a picture of Coby & Dr. Sisson.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Coby is Home
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Wednesday’s Update:
A CBC was done today & unfortunately it was not exactly what we had hoped for. Coby’s neutrophils have dropped from 1400 to 600. Coby had not been receiving the Neupogen for the past 3 days, so with this decrease in neutrophils it is apparent his bone marrow isn’t making enough cells on his own (or something like that – it is difficult to follow Dr. Sisson on the phone half of the time b/c he talks so fast & half of it I don’t understand). We will have to restart the Neupogen for an unknown period of time, but hopefully not too long b/c too much can cause even more & worse problems. He gave Coby a shot this morning & will repeat a CBC tomorrow. The good thing is Coby’s neutrophils did not plummet back to zero, so his body is doing something, but not as quick as we hoped.
Dr. Sisson said Coby is ready to come home despite what the CBC looks like. I will just need to give the Neupogen shot & repeat CBC’s over the next several weeks. Of course I wanted to make sure he didn’t need to stay there – I told him I’d come next week. He said not to waste the money on hospital bills when they are doing the exact same thing I can do here at home. Coby’s on antibiotics, his temp has been fine, his infection has cleared up, & he’s eating well. Coby is still getting a medication to remove some of the chemo that is left in his body & since Coby is no longer receiving chemo, he should not have GI problems & he should not get any infection. So…Dr. Sisson said Coby can come home!
Of course I am still nervous & worried especially with Dr. Sisson being so far away. Coby’s not out of the woods yet, so he still needs your positive support & prayers. The bone marrow will recover – it is just a matter of time. It could be years before Coby has a “normal” CBC, but Dr. Sisson thinks Coby will be just fine!!
I fly out tomorrow morning & will meet with Dr. Sisson at 6pm. At that time I will be able to get a better understanding of what’s going on & what my future rollercoaster ride will look like once back in MKE! Thankfully Kathy will help transport me & we can crash on her couch tomorrow night. Then we’ll be flying back to MKE bright & early at 6:30 am!! I am so excited to have Coby FINALLY coming home after almost an entire month of hospitalizations & sickness. Praying he only continues to get better & can life a happy, healthy normal doggie life!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tuesday Update
walk by his cage & pawing at the bars for people to let him out. Coby is much
"livelier". He's interested in everything outside & has perked up. The CBC will
be tomorrow AM & Dr Sisson said he would "be surprised" if the CBC is not good.
Coby should be able to come home Thursday if it's normal.
This afternoon: He remains very active today and had a second full meal already eating everything right away. He is also barking and growling at other dogs on the leash now. "He is starting to become a little spitfire like you described" according to Dr. Sisson.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Monday's Update
Dr. Sisson called this afternoon & apparently he did a CBC today on Coby (he was going to wait until Tuesday, so I’m not sure why he changed his mind). The WBC’s were normal & the neutrophils were up to 1,400 (600 more than yesterday). Coby can come home if they are over 1,000, but because we live so far away, Dr. Sisson wants to repeat a CBC on Wednesday. The neupogen was given for the past 3 days to help stimulate the production of neutrophils – Coby did not have any today & will not have any tomorrow. If the neutrophils are the same or increasing, Coby could possibly come home Thursday or Friday. However, if they are decreasing then Coby will receive more neupogen & continue his stay at Angell. Dr. Sisson stopped one of Coby’s antibiotics today – Coby is still on the clavamox & Meropenem (injectable antibiotic). Interestingly Coby’s platelets decreased & were low (mid-range of low value). Dr. Sisson believes the stress of the flight likely caused Coby’s spleen to contract & release stored platelets in response to temporary increases in blood epinephrine. The RBC’s are also low. Coby obviously has damaged bone marrow, scarring & may take months to fully recover. Bone marrow in animals always recovers if managed & support is being provided – thus, Coby’s will recover, it’s just a matter of time! So, it is a waiting game. Hopefully we get good news Wednesday morning so I can book a flight that night & pick him up Thursday. I’m missing my little boy so much, but I’m glad to hear he is getting the proper care he needs & getting better!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Sunday Update
Coby is doing very well. His neutrophils are up tp 800 & band neutrophils 200. Coby's temp was normal at 6am & this afternoon was actually slightly under the norm. So, obviously the new antibiotic & neupogen are working. Dr. Sisson said today will be the last day for the neupogen. He will repeat a CBC in about 2 days. The neutrophil goal is 3000 before sending Coby home. If I lived there, he'd probably send Coby home tomorrow, but he wants to make sure Coby is well before coming back to WI. Dr Sisson also plans to stop the metronidazole today since Coby has formed stool. He's not eating the best, but that is b/c he is picky. Dr Sisson hand feeds him (LOL) & Coby will eat just enough to get what he needs. Dr Sisson asked if Coby was a picky eater & I said of course, that is why I cook for him (I know he's a busy man & probably didn't remember). Hopefully the clavamox will be the next antibiotic d/c'd if Coby's temp remains normal. The goal is 3000+ neutrophils, no temperature & only 1 antibiotic needed (which are the injectable ones that were started when he arrived in Boston - I can't remember the name). Basically, I will have to give injectable antibiotics when Coby is home - not sure for how long. Dr Sisson hopes to have Coby ready to come home around Thursday - which is horrible looking at the price of airfare!!! LOL Friday is bad too. So, maybe if we get lucky or I can figure something out knowing he will for sure be ready Thursday, maybe I can fly in Wednesday which is much cheaper & leave Thursday or Friday at the latest. I may need some help again!!!
Chance of relapse are very low Dr Sisson stated...again. Coby's "allergies" are not evident to Dr Sisson right now while off the atopica, so we don't know if he will need that or not either. Hopefully not!!
In addition, Dr Sisson went on to discuss Coby & his behavior/temperment which I found astonishing. Dr Sisson said Coby has the personality of a "big dog" which he likes - very chill, not a snippy barky needy high strung "little dog". He said Coby is very smart, adapted & observant. Coby "goes with the flow" & understands the people there are helping him to get better. He's not mad, depressed or afraid. He is very obedient with Dr Sisson apparently. He recognizes him right away, will sit by his side & not leave him. Coby let a couple kids pet him & has acted fine around other dogs...which is NOT like Coby AT ALL. He is aggressive & will bite, but with Dr Sisson, he's a totally different dog. Dr Sisson is like the dog whisperer in Boston. LOL Dr Sisson said to me "someone MUST have trained this dog, he didn't learn this all on his own" - referring to just sitting at his side, going right into the kennel, etc. That was my husband's doing & Coby is much more obedient with him. Just the way Dr Sisson talked about Coby & his personality was amazing - Coby has adjusted fine, loves Dr Sisson & is being well behaved! I was impressed.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Update....where to begin.....
There are a lot more updates on Coby's facebook page - Care for Coby.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Quick Update
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Saturday Night Visit
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Saturday Morning Update
Friday, May 6, 2011
Update on Coby & his current hospitalization
Friday 4/22/11 - Coby went to the ER for his regular pre-lomustine CBC check (Yes, I take him to the ER for blood draws now).
The results came back a little low.
WBC 3.6 (normal value 4.0-18.2)
Seg Neutrophil 2.05 (normal value 2.5-15.7)
Platelets 116 (normal value 140-540)
RBC, Hgb, Hct were all in normal range
I was nervous to give the lomustine (chemo pill) on the 26th because of the low values noted above, but I did anyways - I was told it was ok to give & we've had no problems with the lomustine prior to this.
Thursday 4/28/11 - Coby was not acting like himself, he was lethargic, had thrown up a couple times & started to have some diarrhea, so I took him to the ER. When we arrived Coby had a mild fever but recheck temps were normal. We had determined it was high when we arrived because of anxiety and excitement. Coby did have fluid administered under the skin to keep him hydrated and another CBC was drawn. This is now 2 days after the lomustine (but these symptoms could not have occured this quickly from the chemo). We were also instructed to hold the Atopica (allergy med) until Coby's GI symptoms resolved (Atopica can cause GI problems). We also were instructed to hold the daily leflunomide.
CBC results from this visit:
WBC 3.3 (normal value 4.0-18.2)
Seg Neutrophil 2.18 (normal value 2.5-15.7)
Platelets estimated 100-150 (normal value 140-540)
RBC, Hgb, Hct were all in normal range
CBC results from this visit:
WBC 2.5 (normal value 4.0-18.2)
Seg Neutrophil 1.50 (normal value 2.5-15.7)
Platelets estimated 108 (normal value 140-540)
RBC, Hgb, Hct were all in normal range
Despite the low values, we thought they would start increasing now that Coby had reached the low part of the lomustine (where it was the strongest - the nadir). The plan was to have another CBC drawn in one week to determine if we could restart the leflunomide. It was decided Coby would have no more cytarabine injections - he completed 10 rounds of the injections & the lomustine would also be stopped - he completed 9 rounds of this.
Thursday 5/5 - Coby continued to be bright and alert. His temperature had improved to a high normal range. He ate ok and had no vomiting or diarrhea.
A CBC was drawn again. The values were all low:
WBC 2.0 (normal value 4.0-18.2)
Seg Neutrophil 1.00 (normal value 2.5-15.7)
Platelets estimated 100-150 (normal value 140-540)
RBC 4.07 (normal value 4.48-8.53)
Hemoglobin 9.0 (normal value 10.5-20.1)
Hematocrit 29.1 (normal value 33.0-58.7)
I went out to visit Coby. He was happy & excited to see me, but eventually calmed down & just slept on my lap. He is very skinny. Because of his neutropenic condition I had to wear gloves while I visited.
Friday 5/6 - Coby's fever returned overnight & was running 103.5-104.0.
Another CBC was drawn and the numbers continue to decrease.
WBC 2.1 (normal value 4.0-18.2)
Seg Neutrophil 0.84 (normal value 2.5-15.7)
Platelets estimated 100-150 (normal value 140-540)
RBC 3.19 (normal value 4.48-8.53)
Hemoglobin 7.3 (normal value 10.5-20.1)
Hematocrit 22.7 (normal value 33.0-58.7)
This is what our neuro says is happening: Coby's bone marrow has cumulative injury from months of chemotherapy and is not going to recover quickly. This white blood cells will likely stay low for several days, weeks to even months. This is actually ok as long as the lining of his GI tract comes back which will be much faster. He had some very close to liquid brown diarrhea this AM. He is barking, active and strong. He has had no vomiting and eating a little, but not as much this morning as last night. They have replaced the IV ampicillin with IV Unasyn - this has a broader spectrum of activity & hopefully will take care of whatever infection Coby has going on. As soon as the diarrhea resolves and he is eating better, he should do well. It will just take time. I anticipate Coby being hospitalized over the entire weekend. :-(
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Coby's Hospitalized Again
Monday, May 2, 2011
Chemo Free
Here are pictures of Coby last week when he wasn't feeling well!